Monday, November 14, 2011

Succulent strawberry pot planting

I planted my first succulent strawberry pot today.  To keep the weight light weight, I filled a large volume of the space with a 12" tall piece of PVC pipe with a cap on top.  I used a circular saw to cut a longer piece of pipe down to fit the pot, making it 6" shorter than the top of the pot.

The drainage hole in the pot is big enough but if I put this pvc pipe in and water it, the water can't access the hole if I water the side pockets.  Only the planting on top will have access to the only drainage hole.  So I cut notches in the bottom with my dremel tool so that.

Here's the pot with the finished pcv pipe.

It took me an hour and a half to plant a couple of different types of sempervivums and echeveria elegans into the side pockets using my cactus mix.

I put a thin layer of 1/4" red lava rock on top of the plastic cover so that the soil for the top planting would not fall through the openings.

It took me about 2 hours from beginning to finish.  I used the 1/4" red lava rock as a topping to fill in the gaps.  In time the succulents will fill in that space and cover up the topping but for now, I'll give it some room to grow.  Here is another side of the planting.

The finished pot is still heavy but considerable lighter than it would have been had I filled the whole thing with soil.  This pot will be a nice addition to our container garden!  :D

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